
Join us for events that inspire and inform your support for life through Alternatives Pregnancy Center. Be sure to add your name to our mailing list.

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Sanctity of Human Life

Alternatives celebrates life because we believe that every human being–born and preborn–is created in God's image with inherent worth and dignity.

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Colorado Gives Day

This year, Colorado Gives Day is December 10 and it is an easy way to get involved with supporting the LIFE saving work of Alternatives!

Colorado March For Life

Join us on April 11 for the March for Life, a tour of our downtown clinic and lunch to go.

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Colorado March For Life

Join us on April 11 for the March for Life, a tour of our downtown clinic and lunch to go.

Support life!

Are you looking for fun and engaging ways to inspire youth to be a part of making a difference in your community? We are here to help you equip the next generation to be a voice for the voiceless!