Workplace Giving

Your donation to Alternatives may be eligible for a matching gift from your employer. It’s an easy way to multiply your support for Alternatives.

Here’s how to confirm your donation and qualify for a match:

  1. Donate to Alternatives by mail or online.
  2. Ask if your employer offers a matching gift program. If so, request a match and note that Alternatives qualifies as a provider of Health and Human Services and Positive Youth Development.
  3. You may need a copy of our IRS letter that states our 501(c)(3) nonprofit status.
  4. Notify our office, so we can confirm the gift you made and receive the match.

Alternatives will send you a tax receipt for your personal donation. Your company will be acknowledged separately.

Questions: please contact Kendra Schafer, Database Administrator.

  • CFC: #46533
  • DECC: #1015