
Sanctity of Human Life Request

Downloadable Resources

Thank you for allowing Alternatives to come alongside you for Sanctity of Human Life Sunday.

Here are the links to the relevant and helpful resources you requested. To download the resources, click the button and the resource will open in a new browser. Next, click the download icon at the top right to save a copy to your computer. Please fill out the form below.

SOHL Request Resources

  • Share our videos with your congregation.
  • Build a culture of compassion and support for life through informative and inspiring speakers.
  • I am interested in workshops on:
  • A fun way for churches, youth groups, individuals and families to impact their community and pass on the value of life to the next generation! Alternatives will provide 50 baby bottles and create a custom QR code for your group or congregation to give online.
  • Support women and men with tangible resources following the birth of a baby.
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY