I Was Pregnant with Twins and $50 to My Name – Celeste’s Story

When I found out I was having twins, I knew everything was about to change. I knew I was going to have them, but I didn’t know how I could do it.

I called the after-hours number for Alternatives, and went to the clinic closest to me. I felt safe and comfortable.

I talked with the lady there who even afterward would often would call me and check in. We would just talk about what I was going through. When you find a place like that, you become very comfortable being honest and saying what you need.

When I had my girls, Alternatives helped me get diapers, meals, a car seat — anything I needed pertaining to a baby. If they didn’t have it, they did the research to find out how we could get it. The twins continued to grow, and they were doing well.

Then I found out I was pregnant again.

I knew I didn’t want to have another baby. I wanted to buy the morning-after pill.

It cost $50. I only had $50 to my name, and my twins needed a pack of Pull-ups.

I bought the Pull-ups, and by that time, things had progressed, and I knew I was going to have another baby.

I went back to Alternatives, and we kept talking through it. When I found out it was a little boy, a different type of spark lit up in me. Not to just accept it, but to really embrace it and love it.

I knew my kids were my purpose — to be the best mom I could be to them.

I don’t remember what life was like before them, and I love it that way.