She just told you that she’s pregnant. She’s confused and scared and, honestly, so are you.
It’s completely normal to feel that way when raising a child was not a part of your plan. An unexpected pregnancy is going to impact both of you, and that’s why Alternatives Pregnancy Center is here to support you.
We are here to walk with both of you as you explore all of your pregnancy options including parenting, adoption and abortion. While we do not refer for or offer abortion services, we want to make sure you receive accurate medical information and compassionate care as you are faced with making a life-altering decision.
When you come to Alternatives, we want you to know that you play a very valuable role in the pregnancy decision process alongside your partner. So it is important that you support her through this process and help her to know that she is not alone.
Listen to her.
Be with her and allow her the space to process her thoughts and feelings. Reassure her that she can be honest with you, and really listen to what she has to say. It might be difficult or uncomfortable, but it’s an important part of the decision-making process.
Talk about how you’re feeling.
Be open with her about what you’re thinking, and be honest about your fears. It will help her to know that she’s not the only one who is scared. You are in this together, so also be clear with her about your own intentions and desires for the pregnancy. You should also talk about it with someone in your life whom you trust—a parent, a friend, a teacher, a pastor. They can help you process your own emotions and help you understand your options.
Be there to support her.
Alternatives provides a free pregnancy ultrasound, and we encourage you to be there with your partner.
When your partner is pregnant, you have an important influence on her pregnancy experience. But you may be unsure of how to best support her—or you may be wrestling with your own mixed emotions about the pregnancy. But you don’t have to go through it alone.
Pregnancy Options Consultations for Men
When you and your partner come for an appointment, you have the option to talk confidentially with a trained Male Client Advocate who can help you process your situation and help you further understand your options when it comes to fatherhood, adoption and abortion. This is not a decision to be made by only one person, so it’s important that you understand all of your options.
You can schedule a confidential appointment independently if your partner is not available.
If you choose to parent, we will be your partner in helping you find the resources you and your partner need to have a healthy pregnancy and be prepared for when the baby comes. Our wide network of local organizations and clinics will support your well-being beyond your time with us.
- Prenatal and Postnatal Care for Her
- Housing Assistance
- Employment Resources
- Medicaid and other health insurance options
- Church Referrals
- Title IX Student Advocacy
Fatherhood Mentoring
As a co-parent, you do not have to walk this path alone. Alternatives is here to support you through one-on-one Fatherhood Mentoring with a mentor to equip you to be the best dad you can be. You have the opportunity to develop a dynamic relationship with your mentor, and to experience parenting support, education and helpful advice from another father who has walked that road before you.
Counseling After Abortion for Men
We know that many men experience adverse effects after an abortion decision. To help you toward healing, we offer peer support groups and individual counseling. Please click the link to learn more and request a consultation.
STD Treatment for Men
Alternatives provides STD treatment for men if their female partner was tested and diagnosed at Alternatives.