
Impacting Generations 40 Years and Beyond

January is traditionally a big month in pro-life circles. The observance of Sanctity of Human Life takes place in January as it represents the monumental abortion-on-demand case at the Supreme Court of Roe v. Wade in 1973—nearly 50 years ago.

In 1982, a courageous group of Denver men, passionate about the Sanctity of Human Life, made the decision to take action and create an organization designed to educate, enable and encourage teens, women and men to choose life every day. From that small nucleus of people, Alternatives Pregnancy Center was incorporated. For the past 40 years, Alternatives has been a safe and compassionate place for those individuals facing unintended pregnancy who need help, support and love to choose life for their unborn. We have offered hope and healing to women who have experienced the hurt that abortion brings to them and their families. And we have educated students on making life choices that will lead to their best health outcomes. It is a sacred mission that represents the heart of our creator in whose image we are made.

Thanks to thousands of individuals, hundreds of churches, businesses and private foundations, Alternatives has raised the awareness in all communities of Denver that a woman does not have to choose an abortion to be successful. Alternatives has impacted multiple generations and now we are looking to the future in strength. Our work is needed now more than ever. Let us celebrate the lives that have been transformed and rescued. Let us continue providing the necessary support for women and men so that a culture of life in Denver becomes predominant.

Alternatives Pregnancy Center, impacting generations 40 years and beyond!