I Help Pregnant Teens Find Alternatives – Jane’s Story

Alternatives has helped when I’ve had girls in crisis pregnancies scared to death. When Alternatives provides a free ultrasound things change for them and they see life growing inside them.

I remember one young girl already well along in her pregnancy. She was already showing but came in for a pregnancy test. Obviously, the test came back positive.

She wanted an abortion. Because of her age and how far along she was that wasn’t an option.

I immediately called one of the Alternatives counselors, and they met with her and her mom.

They counseled her for three hours.

Mom cried, the daughter cried, the counselor cried. But they worked it out and she got her ultrasound.

She had a beautiful, beautiful baby, and her mom ended up adopting and raising the child. It did not start perfect, but a life was saved.

And a beautiful baby was born.

Alternatives stands with the girls no matter what decision they make. No matter what. There’s no judgement and that’s not something I’ve found anywhere else.