Staff Spotlight

Behind every great staff member God has blessed Alternatives with, there’s a greater story.

I am no different.

God gave me a story that often silences abortion supporters, converts hearts and inspires hope.

I conceived in rape at the age of 18.

The world said my son’s life didn’t matter. They said I’d be a failure. 

They lied. 

Starting at age 21, I co-founded a non-profit organization, earned a 4.0 at Syracuse University, became an award-winning journalist, was recruited for a nationally recognized Community Foundation, achieved local celebrity status and eventually became my own boss as a marketing and business strategist.

My son became a software engineer who, by age 19, achieved top industry status. He continues to excel as a leader in the field at the age of 26.

He is easily the most precious, beloved, joyful treasure that I never could imagine in my greatest dreams.

My son’s transition into adulthood gave me permission to face the world with the story God gave me. I began speaking boldly and publicly about rape and abortion while God showed me my true worth and identity in Him rather than in what I could achieve, how much money I could make and how many awards I could line my walls with.

Today, I come to Alternatives humbled by great successes and greater falls. I come with a great story for life but a greater story of mercy and redemption. I come driven by hope in Christ that the gifts, skills and experience He has allowed for me will build the work of Alternatives and undo the work of the enemy in Colorado and beyond.

Hometown: New York (but have lived all over from California to North Carolina)
Hidden talents: Guessing the Meyers-Briggs personality types of people I barely know
Embarrassing moment: I can’t think of a time I have ever been embarrassed, but my son – an extreme introvert compared to his extremely extroverted mother – has been embarrassed by my every movement and overall existence since birth.
Scripture: “Behold, I am the handmaid of the Lord. May it be done to me according to your word.” (Luke 1:38)
Spiritual gifts: Wisdom, Knowledge, Prophecy, Teaching, Writing
Food you can’t live without: Olive oil (I’m Italian; we basically bathe in it)