Watch Alternatives on Colorado’s Very Own Channel 2’s Great Day Colorado!

Alternatives has been creating a relationship with Fox 31 KDVR and Colorado’s Very Own Channel 2 for the past few months. A representative from the station brought a camera crew out to see for themselves the amazing programs and services offered through the mission of Alternatives.

As part of the relationship building, they invited us to sponsor Great Day Colorado talk show segments. We were thrilled to be asked! What an opportunity to spread the word about Alternatives through TV.

A few of the staff have been to their studios and recorded several segments. Some segments have already aired, and others will be airing in the months to come. It would be great for you to share this link with someone you know who might want to learn about Alternatives! Alternatives and Great Day Colorado

We know unplanned pregnancy is part of our shared humanity. We know women and men need help when facing this complex situation. We know they need Alternatives.

  • Please pray with us that viewers will see these segments and be encouraged there is a place offering compassionate help and wrap-around support.
  • Please pray with us that individuals who care about the value of life will see the segments and feel compelled to financially support this work.