Announcing Momma Mentoring

With your support Alternatives will launch a new and expanded way to serve the decision-making client in 2022!  Alternatives Momma Mentoring!

We know motherhood can be one of the most rewarding experiences for a woman but it can also feel overwhelming when you don’t have the support that you need. Through this new service, we will connect a pregnant client with a Momma Mentor that will join her in her journey by providing encouragement and parenting information. The hope is that the women will cultivate a relationship that provides her with education, guidance and a friendship surrounding her support during the pregnancy and beyond.

Alternatives is partnering with Bright Course, a web-based parenting education program to offer engaging and fun pregnancy and parenting lessons. The Mentor and Mentee will meet twice a month for a one-hour mentoring session in an Alternatives office or through telementoring. The time together will offer a non-judgmental and confidential space in which pregnant and parenting women can develop skills that prepare them for motherhood.

Alternatives’ Momma Mentoring is a step towards preparing, educating and empowering women in the role of motherhood. We will continue to rely on God’s leading and vision for this new service in order to make a transformational life decision even more attainable. We look forward to our first graduates and the positive impact on present families and future generations.