Rosa’s Story

It was almost time for the birth of my baby. I called Alternatives and spoke with Ofelia who was very kind, to whom I told all that I was going through, and she took great interest in my case and said that she would do the best she could to help me.

She said, “Tell me, tell me what you need for yourself and for your baby.” I was embarrassed to tell her that all I had were some diapers and very little clothing for the baby. She made me feel comfortable telling her my needs and she said, “Make a list of what you need.” I said I needed winter clothes and diapers and Ofelia asked, “Do you have a crib for the baby?” I answered no and she told me she would find one for me.

Someone delivered diapers, new clothes, and baby hats that people had donated to Alternatives, all very lovely. They were delivered because, regrettably, I don’t have means of transportation. They included several gift cards to buy groceries which helped me very much because during that time my husband was not working. I went to King Soopers and purchased food for myself and my daughters. It was a tremendous help. Thanks to this organization I received help for my baby. I only had three changes of clothes and one bag of diapers.

It was a light in the midst of darkness to find Ofelia at Alternatives.

When I see my three daughters, I know God is with me and he will not forsake me. I want to thank all the volunteers and all the donors at Alternatives because they are a tremendous blessing to many people. Thank God for your lives and for all you do. May God be your recompense.

Thank you, Alternatives.

Spanish Speaking Client (translated to English)